
You've found the personal homepage of Tamme Schichler.

This is a bit of a "What am I up to?" showcase while I don't have anything better to place on my domain. I'll try to keep the site updated, though most of the "meat" of the content can be found elsewhere.


Please see my XING profile for work-related information.

If you found this page in a professional context, you likely noticed that I used an online editor to make it. I unfortunately lack visual design skills, so this is the most straightforward approach for me outside of a team.

Open Source Software

I write and publish quite a bit of free open source software.These are mainly software libraries in and for Rust, but you can also find some UserCSS styles for various websites.
Many of my older projects are written in C#.

In order to efficiently manage my relatively large number of published projects, I've automated many maintenance checks and tasks that aren't directly security-critical.
On the community side, my projects come with fairly extensive meta information and stability guarantees, including semantic* versioning of the required compiler version, a security policy, issue templates and limited auto-maintenance of the code base itself.
You can find my project template on GitHub.
Feel free to adapt it for your own projects.

* To make maintaining multiple major versions in parallel more feasible, I use feature and patch levels indicated by the second and last significant group of the version number, respectively. Unlike in pure SemVer, these do not reset to 0 as much.
The adjusted scheme is fully tooling-compatible.

Notable (Current) Projects

Asteracea and lignin, for robust web apps

Asteracea is a web app templating language and component API scheme that aims to bring together Angular's maintainability and React's convenience inside of Rust's speed, correctness and developer-friendly tooling.

The lignin group of crates forms a modular framework for rendering web applications, whether in the browser, natively on a server, as static pages, or even in multiple of these places from the same application source code with hydration.

The resulting DOM structure is as clean as hand-written HTML.

Project Status:Functional but Somewhat Incomplete

TAML, a kind-to-humans configuration language

# [soundscapes]
// Sewer
## [[loops].{sound, volume}]
"$sewer/amb_drips", 0.8
"$sewer/amb_flies", 0.1
"$sewer/amb_hum", 0.05 // postfix comment
## [moments]
sound: "$sewer/moments/*"
layers: 1
first-interval-no-min: true
interval-range: (10, 60)
volume-range: (0.1, 0.15)
`spaced \` identifier`: "asdhasd kjhdajkh"

# [enums]: Structured
field_1: true
field_2: false
# [[enums]]
Tuple(1, 2, 3)

TAML is a generic text format combining some aspects of Markdown, CSV, TOML, YAML and Rust.

The aim of the project was to create a generic file format that's very readable, very easy to write without boilerplate (so neither indentation nor section brackets appear), strongly typed and concise for repeating structures like the loops table above.This was successful, including a parser that can report multiple errors and/or warnings in a human-readable fashion with one or more input spans each. The Serde integration is currently being rewritten.

Project Status:Functional (Serde-int. upgrade pending)

CSS Table Tennis

Completed and published within a day, this was a short project to learn how to make moving 3D websites.I got somewhat insistent praise for this one, so it's probably worth mentioning here despite being a smaller project solved with a fairly uneventful approach.

Project Status:Completed Doodle


I have a 3D printer and started to learn CAD a while ago.

There's not much to show here yet, but I did manage to nicely adapt FFP2 mask hooks into curtain cable riders:

(Black foil purely to make this easier to photograph. The pieces blend in on white.)

The curtain is very light in this case, but I still printed the orange PLA rods horizontally to increase their tensile strength. The 3.5cm bridge led to significant sagging as the following layers were added, but this is hidden from view when the part is fitted.

This likely won't last forever, as even the injection-moulded hooks will wear down when they are moved along the cable, but for the time being the construction is more reliable than the metal clip hooks on the previous curtain, which would jump off occasionally.

Printer:Creality Ender 3 with upside-down glass bed
Design Tools:Blender and FreeCAD
Slicer:PrusaSlicer, with a hint of custom G-code


You can most easily reach me via XMPP or email at [email protected].

I also use Discord, Telegram, WhatsApp and (less preferably) Skype and Steam, mostly with people I know a bit better.
Ask if you'd like to switch to one of them.